File "changelog.txt"

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- Internal MIDI Keyboard with scales, chord inversions and chord sets
> To activate/deactivate, go to System Menu, page 13, and set Int MIDI KBD parameter to on (on by default)
> To access keyboard and its parameter, press A+B/Yes button (press another time to leave)
> To access keyboard without leaving current page (allowing editing a sound in current page), press Alt/No button (press another time to leave)
> Keyboard settings are global / shared with all presets
> Keyboard settings are saved globally in the system settings

- the alt screen available in some pages is now accessed with a long press on alt/no button
- system settings are now saved when loading a pgm via alt/no and a+b/yes buttons (in addition to being saved when loading a pgm with a double tap on A or B buttons)

good to know:
- kbd mode not available in combi mode
- kbd has its own set of limitations, like: no hold mode, notes are shut off when changing keyboard parameters
- system settings will be reset after the update is applied (system setting only, not the presets, so double check your system settings after applying the update)


bug fixes:
- SYSEX reception was not working for v2.3 generated SYSEX files


- LOAD menu: category filter added
- LOAD menu: use encoder 3 to navigate faster (x10) (when category filter is set to none only) 
- SYSTEM menu: reworked with more pages and should now be easier to understand
- SYSTEM menu: arp beat sync setting added
- SYSTEM menu: button hold time setting added

bug fixes:
- pan: in dual mono, Pgm A goes to L output, B to R
- arp: both arps now stop when using latch mode and MIDI stop message is received

- SYSTEM settings are now saved when loading a patch (either by LOAD menu or Yes/No buttons, NOT when receiving a PC MIDI message)
- SYSTEM settings can also be manually saved: Hold SYSTEM button when already in SYSTEM menu (this is not a change, it's always been there but undocumented)
- USB MIDI low level changes

good to know:
- system settings will be reset after the update is applied


- cc7 support

- external MIDI clock sync will work with a continuous stream of MIDI clock messages without any MIDI start/stop messages
- arp now starts when triggered
- arp will play in external clock sync mode even if the external clock is stopped (this feature needs MIDI start/stop messages to work)

bug fixes:
- program change in MPE mode now work correctly (thank you nathan)
- in some cases, pgm b name was displayed instead of pgm a when saving a combi and returning to main program page (thank you hippolyte)


- MPE mode (see updated manual)

bug fixes:
- TrPs oscillator had a unexpected behavior when shape parameter > 127 (via mod matrix) (thank you hippolyte)

v2.0 (no public release)

- fm unleashed: both oscillator and filter FM are more intense allowing for more aggressive FM sounds. Be careful with aliasing though...
- oscillator phase reset parameter (can be useful for FM and bass sounds)
- filter character parameter - soft, mild, hard, mean (previous firmwares only had the (hidden) mean mode). It has an effect of resonance / self oscillation level. For those raving about the Mk1 filter, it is the soft mode.
- individual envelope reset parameter (returns to zero when the envelope is retriggered)
- added a second multiply operator (mult2)
- voice panning reworked with 2 different available pan spread modes
- chorus and simple eq (low or hi pass) per program
- new unipolar shapes for lfo
- second lpf delay with higher cutoff frequency
- delay tempo sync
- vca destination in mod matrix
- arp pattern per program (16 editable steps)

good to know:
- sysex format has changed, but they will load fine (they will be converted internally)


bug fixes:
- in combi mode, pitch bend, modulation wheel, aftertouch and sustain pedal are now sent to the correct program (depending on the combi mode) (thank you lasse)
- switching between mono/bitimbral and combi mode under certain conditions prevented the selection of program b to edit


bug fixes:
- oscillator fm now behaves as expected (thank you adam)
- aftertouch + modwheel in bitimbral mode were broken (thank you sébastien)
- sustain pedal with arp didn't work correctly (thank you nicola)

- sustain pedal now behaves like latch when arp is on


bug fixes:
- only left channel was used to feed reverb (thank you william)
- changing system mode from bitimbral to monotimbral while in pgm B didn't reset the active program (thank you william)
- pitch bend in bitimbral mode was broken (thank you nicola)


bug fixes:
- program navigation -/+ not working for program b (thank you juraj)


bug fixes :
- stuck notes with sustain pedal (thank you juraj)
- impossible to edit program b name in combi mode (thank you juraj)
- stuck notes when changing unison count in monophonic modes (thank you william)

v1.0 - Initial public release